Information about FV Meybell
In May, 2019, the FV Meybell was delivered to its harbor in Måsøy, Norway. Classified as an allround fishing vessel, Meybell features technology for both seine, line, lobster, and crab fishing. The construction of this vessel represents a cross-cultural collaboration; the frame came from Belgium, went through welding in China, and ended at a final assembly in Grovfjord, Norway. As with its predecessor, the FV Sofie, Meybell sports a 500HP Scania DI13 engine, delivered by Nogva Motorfabrikk AS.
The powerful crane on deck was delivered by Damgaard Fishing. All remaining deck equipment, including winches, capstans, and triple blocks, was provided by Lorentzen Hydraulics.
Ship Owner: Stig Meyer
Delivery: 2019