(+47) 7700 1800 nsk@nsk.as

Privacy Policy

The following document is Magy Media AS’ privacy policy for clients and other external users.

Processing of personal data

When you (i) use the website, (ii) are in contact with us by being portrayed or in other ways participate in our production, or (iii) by receiving our newsletter, Magy Media AS will process your personal data. Below you’ll find information about the personal data that will be collected, why we collect it and your rights within the process of collecting your personal data.

Magy Media AS is the data processer of the information you provide.

Data controller for the personal data being processed:

Company name: NSK Ship Design AS
Tax-payer ID number (organization number): 976 212 142 MVA

For questions regarding our processing of your personal data you can contact us by email.
E-mail: post@magy.no

1.Purpose of collecting personal data and what kind of information do we collect?

We collect and use your personal data for various reasons depending on who you are and how we received contact with you. We gather the following information for specified reasons.

  1. Convey marketing, newsletters and give information about our enterprise: E-mail and phone number. Processing is based on deal with client.
  2. Answer inquiries. Name, number and any personal data arising from the inquiry. Processing of personal data is based on balance of interest. We find these means necessary to best provide the answers for your inquiries.
  3. Portrait-and situational imagery/video. Magy Media AS produce a great amount of picture and video content for our clients. Processing is based on deal with you as a client.
  4. Usage of websites owned/managed by Magy Media AS. When you use our website your IP-address will be sent to the website. This process is highly necessary for your being able load the websites content. The IP -address is the only required personal data for use of our websites. We normally store IP-addresses (server log) for 12 months after a finished project, or longer if there are any suspected offences. IP- address is used in potential reports and/or block lists of our servers.
  5. To receive information about website activity we use cookies. We process personal data based on balance of interest. We have experienced that these means are necessary for us to adjust websites for our users. However, we only use the personal data provided for internal statistics. It will not be possible to identify you as a person within these statistics.


2.Disclosure of personal information

We will not disclose your personal data to others unless there is a lawful basis for such disclosure. Examples of such a basis will typically be an agreement with you, or for legal reasons that imposes on us to release the information.

Magy Media AS use data processers to collect, store or in other ways process personal data on our behalf. In such cases, we will enter into agreements to ensure the security of information in all aspects of processing. We have arrangements with following data processors:

–       PRO ISPAS (org.nr. 896 907 662) regarding operation of our websites.

All processing of personal data by Magy Media AS is done within the EU/EEA.


3.Processing of personal data on behalf of others

Magy Media AS also process personal data on behalf of others, when assisting clients with gathering anonymized data as well as personal information. Before processing personal data on behalf of a client, we enter a processing agreement which regulates; usage, processing and deletion of personal information that our client has collected.

In short, this means Magy Media AS process personal data following said client’s guidelines and privacy policies.


4.Storage Time

The amount of time your data is stored will be based on our purpose for keeping that information.

This means, for example, that personal data that we process on the basis of your consent, is deleted when you withdraw your consent. The personal data we process to fulfill a deal with you, will be deleted when the deal is fulfilled and all duties following the contractual relationship are fulfilled.


5.Your rights

You have the right to demand insight, correction or deletion of personal data we process about you. You have the right to further demand limited processing, direct objection to processing and claim your right to data portability. You can read more about the contents of these at Datatilsynets website: www.datatilsynet.no

To make further use of your rights you must contact us by e-mail: post@magy.no. We will answer your inquiry as fast as possible.

We will ask you to confirm your identity or provide additional information before given access to your rights. We do this to ensure we give access to you exclusively – and not to anyone claiming to be you.

You may withdraw your consent of us processing your personal data at any time. The easiest way to do this is to contact us by e-mail: post@magy.no.



Magy Media AS use the platform MailChimp to provide our newsletter. If you wish to subscribe to our newsletter you can do this by accepting the terms and conditions and opt-in here.


7.Google Analytics

The Google Analytics tool tracks and reports the traffic of Magy Media AS’ websites. By looking at the user pattern of the website’s visitors, we learn how users interact with our content. You have the option to opt-out of cookies from Google Analytics. Read more about Google Analytics’ privacy policy here.


8.Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is an analytic tool that helps Magy Media AS optimize ad campaigns on Facebook so that users like yourself can receive relevant information. You can turn off cookies in your web browser. Read more about Facebook’s privacy policy here.



If you are under the impression that our processing of personal data does not match our privacy policy, or otherwise violate the laws of privacy, you may file a complaint to Datatilsynet.

You’ll find information on how to contact Datatilsynet on their website: www.datatilsynet.no.



In the events of modification of our services or changes to the data processing regulations, the information you’ve been provided may be adjusted. Updated information will always be easily accessible on our website. Users of this website should therefore be checking our privacy policy consistently, to make sure they are updated on the latest edition. Further use of the website will then be seen as agreeance to the latest terms and conditions.